Physical Archive Application

Physical Archive Application

Archive is a software developed using the latest technologies for large-scale archiving and reporting. It also shows high capacity, continuous data flow in the fastest way. Approximately 2.000.000 records can be archived daily.

It can be used by multiple users at the same time. Users registered to the system can use section screens within their authorization after logging in to the system with the required information.

Some of the Features:

Customer Registration Procedures: You can register customer companies to the system and view their information.

Box and Content Entry Procedures: This is the section where the data (Box and separate files or folders) are recorded into the system with their location information.

Box and Content movements: This is the section where the movements of the data registered in the system are monitored and controlled. It is also the section where the files and requests requested by our customers are recorded in the system.

Box and Content Request Meeting: This is the section where requests are met in line with the request made.

Search and Reporting: This is the section that provides ease of analysis and reporting by preparing reports of all transactions made with the archive program and displaying them in certain formats (Word, Excel, PDF).

Box Tracking: Boxes previously registered in the system

Authorization Procedures (Admin): Admin panel where the authorizations of users registered in the system are set.

Location Description: This is the section where location information is recorded.